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All Comments

By ze*** Rating Date: 04/06/2016

comment: Thank you

By Ma*** Rating Date: 04/04/2016

comment: I made a mistake when ordering; I gave incorrect server information. The correct info is server-- Harbinger and character is Ozmeli. MMOSALE immediately sent a message to me indicating that the delivery could not be completed. I greatly appreciated this notice.

By Za*** Rating Date: 04/03/2016

comment: Thank you

By An*** Rating Date: 04/03/2016

comment: The delivery was very fast,even it was on a sunday.

By Th*** Rating Date: 04/02/2016

comment: I have shopped from this website quite a few times and it just gets better and better. Right on time, only had to wait an half hour and my order was delivered. Very Satisfied and would recommend it to everyone.

By do*** Rating Date: 04/02/2016

comment: Fast and easy.

By br*** Rating Date: 04/01/2016

comment: Great Service

By br*** Rating Date: 04/01/2016

comment: Great Service

By br*** Rating Date: 04/01/2016

comment: Great Service

By w/*** Rating Date: 03/31/2016

comment: Fast, cool

By ca*** Rating Date: 03/31/2016

comment: ty so much was delivered in 5 mins! excellent communication too, highly recommended!

By Ka*** Rating Date: 03/31/2016

comment: quick and fast delivery. thank you.

By mi*** Rating Date: 03/29/2016

comment: quick service!

By *** Rating Date: 03/29/2016

comment: verry fast delivery 15 min good job!!!

By oo*** Rating Date: 03/29/2016

comment: Thank you !!! so fast!!!! took less than 5 minutes!!!
