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All Comments

By Tr*** Rating Date: 03/13/2016

comment: Glad you guys attached an item to mail so its not quite so obvious XD

By Ha*** Rating Date: 03/13/2016

comment: fast Delivery

By Qe*** Rating Date: 03/12/2016

comment: well first 3 or 4 delivery was fast, last one is totaly slow.
i like the Customer support but i wont shop here again cuz very expensive compared to other saits

By Yo*** Rating Date: 03/12/2016

comment: Great Service, good Prices and fast Delivery! :)

By Ki*** Rating Date: 03/10/2016

comment: Fast and no problems

By En*** Rating Date: 03/09/2016

comment: you guys rock

By En*** Rating Date: 03/09/2016

comment: thank you very much

By En*** Rating Date: 03/09/2016

comment: thanks a million

By ca*** Rating Date: 03/08/2016

comment: wow was delivered in less than 10 mins excelllent service!!

By ca*** Rating Date: 03/08/2016

comment: fast gil def again!!! perfect!!

By De*** Rating Date: 03/08/2016

comment: That was fast, thanks!

By oz*** Rating Date: 03/07/2016


By Tr*** Rating Date: 03/07/2016

comment: Delivered in seconds

By Tr*** Rating Date: 03/07/2016

comment: Delivered in seconds

By Sp*** Rating Date: 03/06/2016

comment: wooow very fast delivery ~ i will buy more for sure next time <3
