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All Comments

By Da*** Rating Date: 03/21/2016

comment: Fast delivery one time :)

By Sh*** Rating Date: 03/20/2016

comment: 10/10

By Sh*** Rating Date: 03/20/2016

comment: Easy and perfect

By Fr*** Rating Date: 03/20/2016

comment: I really liked the service: would be 5 stars if they contacted me when they got locked out of my account via text or e-mail.

But otherwise very professional

By Hd*** Rating Date: 03/19/2016

comment: Support parfait, réponse rapide ! Sont la pour toute question. Livraison très rapide un peut plus que le délai prévu mais rapide ! Rien a redire .

By Sw*** Rating Date: 03/18/2016

comment: Very fast and friendly service. Please keep up the great work.

By Sw*** Rating Date: 03/18/2016

comment: Very fast and friendly service. Please keep up the great work.

By Sw*** Rating Date: 03/18/2016

comment: Very fast and friendly service. Please keep up the great work.

By Sw*** Rating Date: 03/18/2016

comment: Very fast and friendly service. Please keep up the great work.

By Ky*** Rating Date: 03/18/2016

comment: I love yall!!! So kind and actually care about what your customers are feeling! I will definitely make this my website for buying all the time!

By Ti*** Rating Date: 03/17/2016

comment: thank you

By Th*** Rating Date: 03/17/2016

comment: Great service !

By La*** Rating Date: 03/17/2016

comment: I can't really tell what caused the problem, but it was there. I lost some ingame currency but I'm glad they refunded my money

By Lo*** Rating Date: 03/17/2016

comment: Little long to delivery but I am satisfated, they are serious.

By Lo*** Rating Date: 03/17/2016

comment: Little long to delivery but I am satisfated, they are serious.
