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All Comments

By Mi*** Rating Date: 04/11/2016

comment: thanks fast dilivery

By ma*** Rating Date: 04/10/2016

comment: Fast support, abit slow delivery but nothing a night of sleep couldn't fix!

Thanks for the deal!

By se*** Rating Date: 04/10/2016

comment: parfait et rapide rien à dire je recommande ce site car très sérieux et fiable encore merci à toute l'équipe.

By re*** Rating Date: 04/10/2016

comment: great! still pretty fast

By Ro*** Rating Date: 04/09/2016

comment: Quick delivery all the time!!!

By Ro*** Rating Date: 04/09/2016

comment: Quick delivery all the time!!!

By Ro*** Rating Date: 04/09/2016

comment: They are correct!!!!

By Ro*** Rating Date: 04/09/2016

comment: They are Correct!!

By Ro*** Rating Date: 04/09/2016

comment: They are correct

By ma*** Rating Date: 04/08/2016

comment: Again very fast delivery ! The best !

By ma*** Rating Date: 04/07/2016

comment: Nice ! Very fast delivery !

By vi*** Rating Date: 04/07/2016

comment: Fast and great as always thanks again guys! :3

By Ra*** Rating Date: 04/06/2016

comment: fast and good service !!

By ze*** Rating Date: 04/06/2016

comment: Thank you

By Ma*** Rating Date: 04/04/2016

comment: I made a mistake when ordering; I gave incorrect server information. The correct info is server-- Harbinger and character is Ozmeli. MMOSALE immediately sent a message to me indicating that the delivery could not be completed. I greatly appreciated this notice.
