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All Comments

By Ha*** Rating Date: 02/28/2016

comment: Fast deliverd

By Ha*** Rating Date: 02/28/2016

comment: Fast deliverd

By Ha*** Rating Date: 02/28/2016

comment: Fast deliverd

By Ha*** Rating Date: 02/28/2016

comment: Fast deliverd

By an*** Rating Date: 02/27/2016

comment: took less than their average time, overall transaction only took a few minutes. would love to use it again

By Sa*** Rating Date: 02/27/2016

comment: Great, prompt service

By Ak*** Rating Date: 02/26/2016

comment: EXTREME FAST!!! [5 min delivery]!! thank you! <3

By Ai*** Rating Date: 02/25/2016

comment: amazing customer service, they really help with what you want.

By r*** Rating Date: 02/25/2016

comment: Great! 10/10

By So*** Rating Date: 02/24/2016

comment: Good delivery and quite fast

By ki*** Rating Date: 02/24/2016

comment: Good service, would buy S2000 rear panel again.
^(o,o^) / 10

By Le*** Rating Date: 02/23/2016

comment: Service was on time and up to standard will defiantly be using this service again.

By Hi*** Rating Date: 02/23/2016

comment: Quick and flawless transaction, it was a pleasure doing business with you guys

By Vi*** Rating Date: 02/22/2016

comment: Thank you for the very fast delivery.

By M*** Rating Date: 02/22/2016

