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All Comments

By ki*** Rating Date: 02/14/2016

comment: This shop is amazing, works 100 percent and members are helpful!

By kn*** Rating Date: 02/14/2016

comment: got the money quick and fast

By Le*** Rating Date: 02/14/2016

comment: Thank you! I'll make sure to buy here again, but you should really change the '24 hour' delivery thing, because my first order took way over a day to arrive and this one took almost 4 days! I can't deny that I was getting a bit worried. But it did arrive and I'm happy. :)

Mmosale Response:  Sorry, we Chinese New Year reason, our suppliers just started working, temporary lack of inventory, resulting in delay in delivery of your order. We have already started working to restore our inventory. Thank you for your understanding.

By OM*** Rating Date: 02/14/2016

comment: Very satisfied

By OM*** Rating Date: 02/14/2016

comment: Very satisfied

By X *** Rating Date: 02/13/2016

comment: Great

By Ro*** Rating Date: 02/13/2016

comment: I'm not sure how i can reply to what you said but the name is Robas Kebas.

Mmosale Response:  Because before you tell us the name of the role is: Robas. This role does not exist.So we did not deliver your order. When you tell us the correct name of the role, we have completed your order immediately.

By Ws*** Rating Date: 02/12/2016

comment: Got gold pretty quick

By Gu*** Rating Date: 02/11/2016

comment: A+++++

By Gu*** Rating Date: 02/11/2016

comment: A+++++

By Gu*** Rating Date: 02/11/2016

comment: A+++++

By Hi*** Rating Date: 02/11/2016

comment: Very fast&kind.

By mb*** Rating Date: 02/10/2016

comment: i was wondering when i will recieve the gold i ordered i have ordered from you guys a bunch and it has never taken this long it is been over 24 hours now

thank you

By pr*** Rating Date: 02/10/2016

comment: Hello I am online in the server phoenix

By sl*** Rating Date: 02/08/2016

comment: looks like good website, maybe you people may try
