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All Comments

By Yi*** Rating Date: 05/31/2014

comment: Good job!

By kr*** Rating Date: 05/31/2014

comment: ty guys need it after a few years break ty fr everything

By Vo*** Rating Date: 05/30/2014

comment: Very good prices and service!

By Se*** Rating Date: 05/30/2014

comment: Its a false order pls ignore it

Mmosale Response:  ok , we have canceled it for you

By Yi*** Rating Date: 05/29/2014

comment: I always order my coins from here, cheap, fast and reliable!

By Ev*** Rating Date: 05/29/2014

comment: fast - brilliant service.

By Re*** Rating Date: 05/28/2014

comment: Best cointraders :)

By he*** Rating Date: 05/27/2014

comment: Hello i think i did this by mistake sorry ! can u cancel this order please ?

Mmosale Response:  thank you for your message . we have canceled it

By el*** Rating Date: 05/27/2014

comment: Top Services, again 5 stars thx Guys

By Yi*** Rating Date: 05/25/2014

comment: Fast as always, really recommending this site!

By Yi*** Rating Date: 05/25/2014

comment: Fast as always, love this site.

By Da*** Rating Date: 05/24/2014

comment: when the commodity arrives paid yesterday, 2.52 Euro
24/05/14 ?

By Al*** Rating Date: 05/24/2014

comment: Happy

By C^*** Rating Date: 05/24/2014

comment: You can generally only have Around 1100plat on a char without putting some on mules, so I got 1000plat first, followed by 500plat a while later when I had made room. Once again, sometimes the delivery hours weren't what I normally could be online for, but they got it to me with only a short delay.

By Al*** Rating Date: 05/24/2014

comment: Good
