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All Comments

By Mr*** Rating Date: 06/05/2014

comment: Please do not in game mail gil again, hand to hand only please

By Co*** Rating Date: 06/05/2014

comment: accurate delievery but little bit delayed delivery
still im satisfied with the price

By Ak*** Rating Date: 06/04/2014

comment: working perfectly again, great service

By ii*** Rating Date: 06/04/2014

comment: :)

By kr*** Rating Date: 06/03/2014

comment: perfect ty

By li*** Rating Date: 06/03/2014

comment: nice fast delivery i do it again for sure great job mmo sale

By Ba*** Rating Date: 06/02/2014

comment: fast delivery ! awesome helping after a 'glitchy' thing

By da*** Rating Date: 06/02/2014

comment: Great work

By da*** Rating Date: 06/02/2014

comment: T.H.E B.E.S.T service ever

By Ts*** Rating Date: 06/02/2014

comment: Fast and Secure

By Ts*** Rating Date: 06/02/2014

comment: Fast and secure

By Gh*** Rating Date: 06/02/2014

comment: Thanks alot ! Good support and fast Delivery (FifaCoins)

By du*** Rating Date: 06/01/2014

comment: thx for the 5kk :) w9ing for the ret now!

By Ra*** Rating Date: 06/01/2014

comment: MMOSale always provides quick and easy delivery. Customer service is quick to respond to any questions or queries, and the delivery method is chosen by me and followed through within minutes of placing my order.
The prices are extremely reasonable and the service can't be beat. Great satisfaction overall.

By Va*** Rating Date: 05/31/2014

comment: Awesome suport and sick fast delivery
