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All Comments

By Jo*** Rating Date: 05/24/2014

comment: My character name is CroniqLynx.My team name is Alpha Helix.

By C^*** Rating Date: 05/24/2014

comment: I had a little trouble matching my hours to potential delivery hours, but the support team got it worked out for me. I got all of the ecto I ordered and had positive communication with everyone involved.

By Ji*** Rating Date: 05/24/2014

comment: problem free service

By St*** Rating Date: 05/23/2014

comment: Quick delivery. I will be buying again

By Mo*** Rating Date: 05/23/2014

comment: Incredibly fast deliver and the Live Chat rep was very helpful, although her English wasn't great.

By jo*** Rating Date: 05/23/2014

comment: I ordered the coins at 5 o'clock, it came only at half past 11

By Al*** Rating Date: 05/23/2014

comment: Very happy

By Al*** Rating Date: 05/23/2014

comment: Nice and qiuck

By Al*** Rating Date: 05/23/2014

comment: Very good

By Co*** Rating Date: 05/23/2014

comment: perfect. thanks you

By Ei*** Rating Date: 05/22/2014

comment: haven receive my 500gold yet.. and i'm already tired and sleepy.. supposed to be 10-20 minutes.. please send it now so i can start fixing my enchantments before i really fall asleep.. :D so far everything is good.. it's awesome actually.. i like this website and i'll order more in here.. <333 keep up the good work :D

By jo*** Rating Date: 05/22/2014

comment: Thanks for coins :D

By An*** Rating Date: 05/22/2014

comment: Thanks very faster delivery kinah:))

By jo*** Rating Date: 05/21/2014

comment: Very quickly! thanks

By Ro*** Rating Date: 05/20/2014

comment: Fast delivery, excellent!
