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All Comments

By Co*** Rating Date: 05/06/2014

comment: Very Good.

By De*** Rating Date: 05/05/2014

comment: Took them 2 days, still the best site

By Co*** Rating Date: 05/05/2014

comment: Fast and efficient!

By br*** Rating Date: 05/05/2014

comment: took some time to get the gold, but i got it

By Wa*** Rating Date: 05/04/2014

comment: thanks for providing Excelent service :D

By pd*** Rating Date: 05/04/2014

comment: They were fast indelivering as always :) all good

By pd*** Rating Date: 05/04/2014

comment: They were fast indelivering as always :) all good

By pd*** Rating Date: 05/04/2014

comment: They were fast indelivering as always :) all good

By pd*** Rating Date: 05/04/2014

comment: They were fast indelivering as always :) all good

By Ga*** Rating Date: 05/04/2014

comment: Payment was easy and delivery was within an hour. Very good service will use again in future.

By Ha*** Rating Date: 05/04/2014

comment: Although the stock was not in at the time. I went to sleep and woke 6 Hours later. Very pleased to log in and the gold be waiting for me :)

By Sh*** Rating Date: 05/03/2014

comment: Thanks fast delivery! 100% buying again

By Wa*** Rating Date: 05/02/2014

comment: Great got the creds within an hour friendly drop off!

By sh*** Rating Date: 05/02/2014

comment: Very good this time :) Much faster than last time and customer support replied quickly :) Would recommend to everyone!

By ca*** Rating Date: 05/02/2014

comment: ty for the fast delivery =)
