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All Comments

By De*** Rating Date: 04/27/2014

comment: Best online shop, Quite slow delivery tho:/

By Ma*** Rating Date: 04/27/2014

comment: very good delivery!

By Al*** Rating Date: 04/27/2014

comment: Really great service and i must say you guys are available every time.Recommended to others as well :)

By bl*** Rating Date: 04/27/2014

comment: 100% recomendado, entregado a las 2 horas, mediante el correo del juego (en mi caso AION).

By fe*** Rating Date: 04/26/2014

comment: Delivered! Thanks!

By ga*** Rating Date: 04/26/2014

comment: It is great.

By ga*** Rating Date: 04/26/2014

comment: It is great.

By di*** Rating Date: 04/26/2014

comment: satisfied as always,thanks

By di*** Rating Date: 04/26/2014

comment: fast delivered

By el*** Rating Date: 04/25/2014

comment: great quick job

By th*** Rating Date: 04/25/2014

comment: please deliver faster next time took a few days to receive what I paid for

By pd*** Rating Date: 04/25/2014

comment: This was my second time in this web,and just like the first one,im happy with delivery. Thanks

By Qu*** Rating Date: 04/24/2014

comment: Excellent delivery time and incredibly punctual status updates as always

By Se*** Rating Date: 04/23/2014

comment: Not banned. Fast delivery.

By Du*** Rating Date: 04/23/2014

comment: Thanks
