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All Comments

By Ja*** Rating Date: 04/20/2014

comment: Very fast delivery no hassle.

By Qu*** Rating Date: 04/20/2014

comment: Fast, good!

By Al*** Rating Date: 04/19/2014

comment: Really good service!

By se*** Rating Date: 04/18/2014

comment: Quick and honest service, thank you kindly

By Co*** Rating Date: 04/18/2014

comment: Great Service.

By Ad*** Rating Date: 04/18/2014

comment: Delivery wasnt too long and really good ticket system would recommend! :)

By fe*** Rating Date: 04/18/2014

comment: Fast and easy! Definitely buying more gold again!

By Fi*** Rating Date: 04/18/2014

comment: Come al solito, fenomenali!

By Ha*** Rating Date: 04/18/2014

comment: fast delivery , how ever

By Ja*** Rating Date: 04/18/2014

comment: Fast and smooth delivery, thanks!

By Se*** Rating Date: 04/18/2014

comment: Professional, fast and honest. Thank you very much MMOSALE

By Co*** Rating Date: 04/17/2014

comment: Excellent service, satisfied.

By Co*** Rating Date: 04/17/2014

comment: Excellent service, satisfied.

By Co*** Rating Date: 04/17/2014

comment: Excellent service, satisfied.

By Co*** Rating Date: 04/17/2014

comment: Excellent service, satisfied.
