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Crafting quests a reference list

There are quite a few low level crafting quests in the game: some NPCs ask you to bring them items usually crafted by players. While these quests don't contribute much to the story, people going for the Undying title may wish to do as many these quests as possible, as early as possible: with their help, they can easily jump from L7-8 to L10-11, which is not a small gain. Also this list can be useful for crafters

Below you will find a full list of these crafting quests.

The quests are listed in this way:
[quest level] Quest Title, Questgiver NPC: items to deliver

All L10 quests give 491 XP for characters at L10 and below
All L15 quests give 753 XP for characters at L15 and below

Sixteen L10 quests, 7856 XP in total
Five L15 quests, 3765 XP in total
Total XP: 11621


List of Crafting Quests

Thorin's Hall, Ered Luin
[10] Stonesmasher's Pupils, Griss Stonesmasher: 2 bronze blades + 2 bronze hilts

Thorin's Gate, Ered Luin
[10] Leggings for Gagi, Gagi: 1 bronze leggings
[10] Nefi's New Setting, Nefi Gemcutter: 1 agate necklace

Gondamon, Ered Luin
[10] Making Use of the Lone Lands, Solvi Scrollbearer: 1 minor metalworking Lore + 1 minor woodworking lore
[10] Steambeard Hungry Work, Ingi Steambeard: 2 roast pork + 2 hard biscuits
[10] Outfitting the Defenders, Efi Plateshaper: 1 bronze helm + 1 bronze gloves

Celondim, Ered Luin
[6] Studying the White Ships, Raindis: 1 minor woodworking lore (This quest is obviosly mislabelled or left out when the developers were revising the quest levels: there is no reason why it shouldn't be L10, like all other quests in the starting areas.)
[10] Gems for Guleneth, Guleneth: 3 polished agates
[10] Laegon Practices His Craft, Laegon: 3 bowstaffs

Crafting quests: a reference list [contains spoilers]
Michel's Delving, The Shire
[10] Michel Delving's Youngest Seamstress, Marigold Twospade: 1 minor tailoring lore
[10] The Great Pie Crust Robbery, Ned Diggins: 1 pie crust
[10] Ned in a Pickle, Ned Diggins: 1 pie crust

Frogmorton, The Shire
[10] Mudbottom's High Standards, Odo Mudbottom: 2 mushroom pies

Overhill, The Shire
[10] Camping Preparations, Crocus Stonybanks: 2 campfire materials

Combe, Bree-land
[10] Weapons for Leighton Howard, Leighton Howard: 2 bronze blades + 1 bronze axe
[10] Geoffrey Fuller Hates Splinters, Geoffrey Fuller: 1 padded gloves

Combe Lumber Yard, Bree-land
[10] Supplies for the Lumber-Camp, Ember Hayes: 1 rowan hammer + 3 rowan hafts

Bree, Bree-land
[15] Seward Proudfoot's First Breakfast, Seward Proudfoot: 5 eggs and onions + 5 hard biscuits
[15] Bronze for Bree-Town, Osur Stouthammer: 1 bronze armour + 1 bronze buckler
[15] Knowledge is the Best Defence, Clayton Cole: 1 minor weaponsmithing lore + 1 minor battle lore
[15] Verity Tyne Has Lost Her Ring, Verity Tyne: 1 amethyst ring

The road between the Bree Homesteads and the Forsaken Inn, Bree-land
[15] Barton Tyne Has Lost His Ring, Barton Tyne: 1 amethyst ring


