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You should get XP after 50 --playing Lotro game

    The problem with this game and the level 50s are complaining about a lot, is that you get no XP anymore after 50. This is completly wrong. You should get XP and you should be able to get new stuff after you get a certain amount of XP. So every 100,000 XP or something you get 1 point and you can use this point to increase one of your stats. Or there could be an extra trait system where you are able to pick some traits after a certain amount of XP. There are many ways to do this.

    As weird as this sounds (and may get me flamed), Turbine should take a note from FF. In FF you get special abilities and/or traits to enhance after you hit level 75. It takes for friggin' ever to max out some of the abilities but it's 10k XP for one point of the ability. So level 1 of the ability is 10k xp, level 2 is 20k XP, level 3 is 30k XP and so on. They'd have to adapt the system to Lotro but it'd give people something to work towards after hitting level 50.

    Grinding for special components to make master level weapons, equipment, or potions gets boring the 4th time around.

    Turing in Orc battle medalians to get past 2nd tier requires a person to turn in 1000 tokens just to be able to turn in campaign tokens(still not able to recieve any rewards just the ability to turn in the next level token. If your lucky and know which mob to kill you'd have to kill at least 1500 mobs killing a creature with 5k hp. Sure they sprinkle in a few mobs with 1200 hp that have a chance to drop the token however the argo from the other mobs in the area make it very hard for someone in there high 30's to solo. Fighting in a group and trying to collect 1000 battle tokens could take a lifetime as your drop rate would diminish because of each member of the group getting his or her share.

    Grinding deeds requiring 200+ kills can get repetitive to say the least. Level 50 toon blasting away on level 10 creatures takes the fun out of the kill on about the second kill.

    Yes it is lots of grinding, players are looking at the elves of rivendell reputation and you have to go into goblin city numerous times which is a pain in the ass because you need a group to go in there. All the rep items should be soloble. If we had XP after 50 there might be something to draw you into doing random quests still. You do random quests when you go up to 50 but you stop when you are at 50 because the quests don't give you the items that you want.

    Its almost impossible to raise the cap if you look at the perspective of PvMP. Raise the player caps, you'd have to raise Monster Player Cap. Standard players have many places they can go and increase thier levels that ALREADY exist within the game. But where do the Monsters get to go? They have to make a completely new zone for them to get thier levels in, because it would be next to impossible for them to level in the Ettenmoors. It's not like you can just raise one side and not the other, because then there will be even more serious imbalance issues.
    Its easily done with the monsters, raise the level cap and so you have a second PVMP zone where you can have monsters that are whatever the level cap, and keep the old zone to 50 monsters and players. Also raising the level cap means that they have to put more tiers of the crafting system. Raising the level cap is only getting away from the issue though, when your at the new level cap your going to find the same thing you are now just at a higher level. So they need to change the root of the problem and not just hide from the real issue.


