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The Hellgate Guru Honor System

The Hellgate Guru Honor System works very similarly to the "reputation" systems with a few significant differences.

The Honor System is unmoderated - honor can be given or taken away by anyone for any reason.

Although it is unmoderated, we do have some guidelines that you can choose to follow. You will want to give good or bad reputation based on the individual post, and not simply because you like the person or dislike them.

Asking for honor is not against the rules, but is not recommended. Asking for honor will probably result in people giving you -honor. Earn it and you'll keep it.

Good reasons to give someone positive reputation would be:

Someone makes a post that helps you

Someone makes a helpful post for someone else

Someone posts a resource (guides, replays, tech help)

Someone contributes to a thread with good discussion. If you think someone added to a discussion with something meaningful, you might give them some positive rep.

Good reasons to give someone negative reputation would be:

Someone flames another member (not you)

Someone is purposefully unhelpful.

Someone has a blatant disregard for the forum guidelines

But like I said earlier, these are just guidelines. There are no rules to honor and reputation.

How the system works:

1. Click on this tab at the bottom of each post:

2. Rate the post either positive or negative and leave a comment. Comments are NOT anonymous, so the administrators and recipients can read them. You can check your most recent reputation comments left for you in your user CP.

Details about the Honor System:

Your amount of honor is depicted as reward images in your left profile when you and other people view your posts.

Only members with more than 100 posts can give reputation that counts. This cuts down on newbies passing bad reps and the ability to create a new account just to bad rep someone.

For every 50 good reputation that you earn, your vote for positive or negative rating increases by 1 power. For instance, if someone with 50 positive rep gives you a good rep, you will gain 2 reputation points. Basically, the more reputation you have, the more you can influence the reputation of others.

Reputation given by administrators counts as 10, which is equal to a good rep from a normal member that has 500 reputation. Making useful posts and helping others is a good way to increase your good reputation or redeem yourself of bad reputation. Reporting bad posts using the build-in report post function will also land you some +honor.










