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About LOTRO (1) Exploring Middle-earth: Eavespires

  In the woods beside Lake Evendim there is a tranquil and ancient grove called the Eavespires. It is said that long ago, an Ent, one of the mighty tree-herders of Fangorn, came here in search of something his people had lost. It may be that he dwells there yet, for an Age is but a short time to that most ancient of peoples, and the Eavespires has been a vale of peace for a very long time.

With the recent arrival of the Gauredain and giants out of the North, violence and ruin have left their mark upon the Eavespires, and it may yet be that a sleeping rage will be awakened amongst the trees. Elves have visited the grove, seeking escape from the wars of the world, but war may still find them even here, far from the shadow of Mordor.

In developing the Evendim region, the designers at Turbine drew upon Treebeard’s tale of the Ents going abroad in search of the Entwives from The Lord of the Rings to create the Eavespires. Players wanting their first glimpse of a true Ent will wish to visit the forests of Evendim, though it will be a difficult task: Gauredain and giants are not the only threats to the Eavespires…wood-trolls have made their way into those lands as well.


