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The Struggle for the Ettenmoors in Lotro

    A life in the Ettenmoors can be a hard one if you stray too far from the safety of Glân Vraig. Its exquisite Elven architecture and serene beauty make one wonder why anybody would want to leave. But that’s exactly what’s required of you as a solder in the armies of the Free Peoples of Middle-earth (the Freeps). Beyond the walls you will find the sprawling lands of the Ettenmoors. This is Turbine’s ‘Monster Play’ zone and you will find monsters (Creeps). Or rather, the monsters will find you.
    Player controlled Creeps are ferocious and blood thirsty. The fastest way they can advance their monster characters is to kill you and your allies. Because of this, they hunt and raid tirelessly. Their ranks include the Uruk-hai Reavers (Slice and Dice), Uruk-hai Black Arrows (archers), Uruk-hai War Leaders (tank – healers), Giant Spiders and the mighty Warg. With their incredible speed, their ability to move undetected and ‘throat ripping’ attacks, Wargs are easily the most feared creatures roaming the Ettens.
    Being killed by a Monster Player comes with a penalty greater than could be programmed in to any game; shame and humiliation. While communication between the sides is not possible when logged in, you can’t expect some good natured ribbing on Turbine’s forums. Given a bit of time, you learn the names that your friends are using for Creeps and spotting one of them in battle brings even greater excitement. Upon death (assuming you are not revived by a friendly healer) the player is brought to the closest Freep controlled spawn ring. If none are available, one will find himself (or herself) back in Glân Vraig and could face the possibility of traveling a great distance to re-join the fight. This fact alone makes holding control points very important.
Creeps are all level 50 but can increase their abilities by spending destiny points on new skills. These points are awarded for quest completions and for killing Freeps. Free Peoples on the other hand, can enter the Ettenmoors at level 40, but will find warfare very difficult until they achieve a level closer to 50. Freeps are awarded tokens for finishing quests, and gain titles and ranks for victories over Monster Players. As of this writing, full rewards are not implemented and the award tokens are not yet redeemable.
    Northwest of Glân Vraig, you can find the three keeps of the ‘Moors. Lugazag, Tol Ascarnen and Tirith Rhaw can be captured and held by either side. In addition to these control points, one will also find the caves of Isendeep to the North and the Lumber Camp to the south. The advantages of capturing and holding any of these five control points include ownership of spawn rings, being rewarded for quests and receiving quests that are only given if these points are held. But capturing an area held by the enemy is no easy task. A raid party must square off against dozens of NPC guards to the front, all the while fighting off the Creeps that will inevitably be attacking its flanks.
    On rare occasion a player may find the front lines quiet. It’s then that he might attempt some of the quests that don’t call for PVP. Included in the Ettenmoors are two NPC villages where quest requirements can be fulfilled. The Goblin fort of Grothum and the Hobbit village of Hoarhallow offer players a place to hunt NPCs. The Goblin NPCs guard things like sacks of food and crates of ale, which they stole from the Hobbits. You quest might be to recover some of these items. Of course the danger of being jumped by enemy player characters in these areas is as great as in any other.
    A typical evening for the Freeps begins with the massing of troops on the Steps of Glân Vraig. One would assume it’s the same for the Creeps in Gramsfoot (their home fortress) but as I have little time logged as a Creep, I can’t say for sure. Once a reasonable force is assembled, scouts are sent out to the control points and to look for Creep activity. A plan is then formulated based on control point ownership and Creep activity. If the defense of a Freep held point is not needed, then offensive plans are contrived. Monsters are ugly, but they are very smart, and it usually takes more than brute force to overcome them. A typical tactic may be sending diversion groups to the Lumber Camp to draw the ire of the Freeps while the main offensive moves on Tirith Rhaw. This is undoubtedly a suicide mission for the smaller group, but may buy enough time for the Freeps to gain a foothold on the main target. Strategic moves like this can give one side a slight edge in a battle and sometimes it’s all that’s needed to put one side over the top.
    The war rages on in Middle-earth’s battleground. And it will continue to do so because Monster Play is much more than a mere diversion from the level grind. It is a game in and of itself: fun and engaging enough to have been a stand-alone offering, it should draw in fans who are interested in no other part of this game. The fact that this entire system is a bonus to an already wonderful MMO, makes Lord of the Rings Online as close to a sure hit as a game in Beta can be.


