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All Comments

By Zo*** Rating Date: 05/10/2014

comment: Relatively quick delivery. Great prices!! Will buy from again.

By Fr*** Rating Date: 05/10/2014

comment: Quick and Reliable!

By am*** Rating Date: 05/10/2014

comment: excellent

By cl*** Rating Date: 05/10/2014

comment: excellent service, was really impressed with the efficiency of the order. will most certainly be using this site again :)

By am*** Rating Date: 05/10/2014

comment: excellent and fastt

By Na*** Rating Date: 05/09/2014

comment: Amazing job but could u make coins come quicker

By Co*** Rating Date: 05/09/2014

comment: good

By sh*** Rating Date: 05/09/2014

comment: best site fo coins

By Ba*** Rating Date: 05/09/2014

comment: I got no idea what to do first of all and I still dont got my money for some reason I got no idea what i did wrong xD

Mmosale Response:  sorry . your payment is failed . we have not got your moeny . if you paid , can you give us your payment information ?

By Do*** Rating Date: 05/08/2014

comment: Thank you so much, i am going to shop here more often:)

By Tr*** Rating Date: 05/08/2014

comment: Thank you for the quick service!

By Tr*** Rating Date: 05/08/2014

comment: A++, fast and easy service.

By Tr*** Rating Date: 05/07/2014

comment: Thank you for working with me even when I ordered off the wrong server. A++ service, will use again!

By Yi*** Rating Date: 05/07/2014

comment: Nice as always!

By Bo*** Rating Date: 05/06/2014

comment: Nice and fast delivery. No hassel
